TOFTigers Chairman’s comment This is a huge admission from one of the most powerful voices in conservation – that ecotourism is primates’ best hope. Its been my belief for 30 years now and too often tourism has been dismissed, diminished, […]

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CONSERVATION IN PERIL AS NATURE TOURISM DISAPPEARS Editors comment It’s been a fantastic ‘wake up’ call for many in the conservation and wildlife arena, who have disparaged and put their noses up at nature tourism and safari goers for decades. […]

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Conservation in crisis Finally, this pandemic might galvanise those policymakers and many wildlife NGO’s who failed to recognise that nature based tourism is a powerful conservation tool. We need to make tourism (version 2 post covid) better by working together. […]

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A BATTLE PLAN FOR YOUR BUSINESS By Julian Matthews, Chairman, TOFTigers As Winston Churchill once said “Never waste a good crisis” so here is a battle plan to survive in business during – and after – this pandemic crisis.   […]

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Coronavirus has finally made us recognise that illegal wildlife trade is a public health issue TOFTigers have always campaigned for, and participated in NGO alliances, to close down on markets in wildlife products, alongside ‘Tiger farms’ in China and elsewhere […]

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Plea from Tiger Reserve Lodgings Page 2.

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JOIN TOFTIGERS IN DECLARING A CLIMATE EMERGENCY WITH YOUR BUSINESS Join a growing group of world class tour operators and grounds agents from across the globe – and declare your actions for our climate emergency. It’s totally voluntary – and […]

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CORONAVIRUS –  Five actions you can take to help your clients We are all too aware of the dangers to business that the latest virus is having on Chinese and Far East Asian travel, but all the media suggests it’s […]

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1) The NTCA’s non sensical directive A copy of the National Tiger Conservation Authority’s directive to all Tiger range states to implement a draconian, and visitor unfriendly measure for game drives across the country 2) The Chairman of TOFTigers response […]

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K. Shanmugakumar was brought up on a tea estate in Conoor in Tamil Nadu and today is the Deputy Chief Naturalist at Evolve Back in Kabini since 2013. I studied plant biology and  bio – technology as a student, but […]

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