Big chunk of prime forest lost to fire, will Bandhavgarh end up like Sariska?This may well be the most audacious act of arson in recent times, causing extensive damage to one of the best tiger reserves in India. Yet nobody […]

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Nepal’s population of endangered one-horned rhinoceros has grown by more than a hundred over the past six years, officials said, with campaigners hailing the increase as a conservation “milestone”.

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India’s biodiversity crisis As always the Ministry’s singular focus on megafauna, like tigers, has had repercussions for the millions of other species that have not been on the watch list here. India’s phenomenal natural assets are the key to its […]

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Tiger reserves about to open again – but with strict new norms. By Meera Bhardwaj, Express News Service -BENGALURU: Tiger reserves may soon open for tourism as the national tiger authority has released a series of guidelines. Veterinary and wildlife […]

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LEADING CONSERVATIONIST ADMITS – NATURE TOURISM BEST HOPE FOR PRIMATES TOFTigers Chairman’s comment This is a huge admission from one of the most powerful voices in conservation – that ecotourism is primates best hope. Its been my belief for 30 […]

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Over 9000 arrested for wildlife poaching between 2012-2018: Environment Ministry As per the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA), which keeps records of tigers and leopards, there have been 141 cases of poaching, while 84 seizures have been made between 2012 […]

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Prey densities falling in Nepal’s wildlife areas Last year in September, Nepal grabbed global headlines for nearly doubling its tiger population in a decade, an achievement that also put Nepal ahead of the countries that had made a pledge to […]

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