The Coronavirus is still prevalent across South Asia. For further details, TOFTigers Standard Operating Procedures for prevention of Covid 19 and Covid proof safaris – please see here

Driving The Change – To Protect our Natural World

Our Reality. The pressure to preserve the Indian subcontinent’s tigers, wildlands and wildlife is inevitably lost in the priority for people to survive. TOFTigers believes that developing more sustainable enterprises and providing viable long term solutions – that create real economic benefit – are critical to rural communities, especially those living in and around parks, sanctuaries and wildernesses across South Asia.

TOFTigers is a collective campaign and global alliance – with all those involved in saving nature – governments, communities and visitors – to ensure we help sustain wild landscape.

Julian Matthews – Founder

Highlights the TOFTigers campaign and how everyone can help us achieve our collective aims

Amitabh Kant  – Leading bureaucrat

Highlights the need for responsible tourism as a driving force for nature conservation, rural livelihoods and poverty reduction.

Valmik Thapar – Tiger Expert

World renowned conservationist and expert highlights the future for Indian wildlife at the TOFTigers  awards

What’s at Stake?

Our Problem. Wildlife populations have already shown a concerning decline, on average by 58 per cent since 1970 and are likely to reach 67 per cent by the end of the decade. WWF Living Planet Report 2016

Our collective action campaign and global alliance – with all those involved in the nature travel sector – is to find better ways to sustain the wild. We need to do faster and do its smarter.


Since our launch in 2004 tiger numbers up from 1411 in 2006 to 3,167 according to the latest 2022 Government census.

Many well visited park now overflowing with tigers – having to relocate tigers to new parks

A passionate army of nature lovers created through new access to their natural heritage

Massive new economics driving conservation funding, jobs, poverty reduction and community Support

Visitor park fees in a number of parks now generating more revenues than budgets provided by state Governments for their protection. A number now able to support oter wilderness areas

However, there are many ways nature tourism can be improved to achive its full potential to save and protect wildlife and wildlands.

What Industry Leaders Think

what’s new and what’s News

Keep yourself up to date with the latest news on tigers and other wildlife and conservation across South Asia, enjoy quality blogs and insight from wildlife experts and insiders and discover the latest issues on making the world a more sustainable place to live – for both humanity and wildlife.


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The Power of Green – An Ecolodge Company’s perspective
Blog - Campaigns, Blog – Sustainability & Business
November 24, 2020

The Power of Green – An Ecolodge Company’s perspective

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